Novinky - Jediný mikrotóm na svete s kryokomorou: AFM-990 od firmy RMC! 25.01.2018
Useful in a Wide Variety of Applications
in Forensic Science, Biology and Materials Research
- With a Motorized programmable automatic trim, the Microtome MT-990 cuts plastic and hard specimens with ease.
- CR-X cryoattachment permits sectioning from ambient temperature to -165C
- Quickly remove cryo chamber to convert microtome to room temperature operation
Designed for:
Atomic Force Microscopy
Scanning Probe Microscopy
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Optical Microscopy
Ideal for applications in:
Forensic Science
Quality Control
Materials Research
- Motorized programmable automatic trim
- Cuts paraffin, plastic and hard specimens
- Motorized cutting stroke may also be used manually
- Motorized knife stage, 28 mm maximum travel
- Feed totalizer, selectable for either total feed in micrometers or total number of sections
- Separate controller for hands-off operation
Retraction: 50-60 microns
Section Thickness: 0.25-30 microns
Automatic Trim: Motorized, Programmable
Maximum Feed: Motorized Knife Stage, 28 mm
Section Counter: Digital LED display of number of sections with reset button
Feed Totalizer: Digital LED display of feed in microns
Stroke: 15 mm (manual or motorized)
Max. Specimen Size: 8 – 10 mm
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